When I Get the Card Peacock, in a Card Reading, What Does It Mean?

Meaning of Each Tarot Card


Karen Frazier Karen Frazier

Karen is a psychic medium, tarot reader, and energy healer. She has written many books nearly energy healing and spiritual topics and holds multiple degrees in metaphysics.

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Psychic Medium, Tarot Reader, and Energy Healer

Tarot cards

The meaning of each tarot card is open to interpretation depending on which deck you use and the feeling you go from each carte du jour equally you progress through a reading. However, many tarot decks are based on the Latin Tarot, also called the Tarot de Marseilles, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, and they have specific meanings based on the menu's symbolism, suit, numerology, and position in a spread.

Tarot Card Meanings for the Major Arcana

Major arcana cards are similar to trump cards in other games. Instead of beingness organized by suits, there are 22 cards filled with the deep symbolism of archetypes. When a major arcana card appears in a reading, it is of special significance and may indicate something major in the life of the querent.

The Fool (0)

The Fool is the zero card of the tarot, and all the following cards in the deck represent the Fool's journey through from innocence through sensation to enlightenment.

Good Luck of Tarot cards
  • This bill of fare corresponds to innocence and unbridled enthusiasm.
  • It might also refer to a new beginning, merely it's sometimes viewed as a warning against behaving incautiously or irresponsibly in an upcoming venture.
  • When reversed, that unbridled enthusiasm is lost, and the card comes to symbolize insecurity and indecision.

The Magician (I)

The Magician is a multi-talented creator who has the power to put that talent to good use.

  • This card tin can signal unbelievable changes to come, just information technology tin also be interpreted as a alert that someone is going to endeavor to fool y'all.
  • It may also indicate artistic potential or a period of creativity on the horizon.
  • Always view the Sorcerer in low-cal of the other cards surrounding him.
  • When reversed, the Magician may signify the querent is beingness manipulative and/or using his or her skills for nighttime purposes.

The High Priestess (Ii)

The High Priestess represents the feminine psyche, wisdom, and intuition. When reserved, the Priestess may symbolize talents or skills going to waste.

The Empress (III)

The Empress represents the entire life cycle, from fertility and nativity through death and the life beyond. She is oftentimes recognized as the wise woman. When reversed, the card could signal infertility or the lack of fully looking out for yourself.

The Emperor (IV)

The Emperor is a symbol of masculine authority and worldliness.

  • The Emperor often signifies a need to take things into your own hands in guild to produce results.
  • When reversed, this card can signify a weak grapheme and corruption of potency.

The Pope (The Hierophant) (5):

Also chosen the Pope, the Hierophant represents a demand for ordered spirituality.

  • The Pope expresses the virtues of goodness, forgiveness, and humility.
  • When reversed, this card may signal that you've fallen into a oestrus, with no room for open minded thoughts or opinions.

The Lovers (Half-dozen)

The Lovers can signal some sort of romantic alignment and, sometimes, a coming modify in your romantic situation. When reversed, this may imply the stop of a current relationship or a failure to adjust to challenges.

The Chariot (VII)

The Chariot often signals a struggle that lies ahead and the need to persevere through it. Alternatively, it could also signal an upcoming journey. When reversed, the carte du jour can signal a failure or inability to conquer your fears.

Strength (8)

Force signals the demand to draw on your own inner strength and pity. When reversed, this bill of fare may reveal not being truthful to your values or abusing your authority.

The Hermit (IX)

The Hermit expresses a need for solitude and reflection. When reversed, this card may reveal feelings of alienation and suspicion.

Bike of Fortune (X)

Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of changing fate and a need to take activeness to ensure your destiny.

  • Examine this card in context with the cards surrounding information technology.
  • When reversed, this carte implies unexpected events that could accept an result on the result of a particular state of affairs.

Justice (XI)

Justice expresses balance in all things. Recall of it in connection with catholic karma. The energy you put into the world will come up back to yous. When reversed, this card tin signal impending legal problems and general unfairness.

The Hanged Human being (XII)

The Hanged Man signals a need to sacrifice in social club to reach what you desire. It as well encourages you to re-evaluate your current situation. When reversed, the card may signal a refusal to have reality.

Decease (XIII)

Despite its obvious interpretation, Death signals a life altering modify that you may have no control over. When reversed, this card suggests you are fighting change that is inevitable.

Temperance (Xiv)

Temperance represents moderation, self-control, and living in balanced harmony. When reversed, this carte du jour may advise you're unbalanced and stuck living in the past.

The Devil (XV)

The Devil has several meanings.

  • It can signal an habit, and information technology can as well pertain to bad influences in your life.
  • In some circumstances, the devil signifies a need to cut loose and enjoy yourself for a change.
  • When reversed, the menu may signal repressed feelings.
  • Interpret the Devil carte du jour in the context of the cards effectually it.

The Tower (Xvi)

The Tower is a harbinger of unexpected, and sometimes cataclysmic, change. This menu holds the aforementioned meaning no thing how information technology is positioned.

The Star (XVII)

The Star signals rejuvenation and opportunity. It speaks to the connection between heaven and globe. When reversed, information technology tin be a sign of disappointment and unfulfilled dreams.

The Moon (Xviii)

The Moon warns y'all not to fall prey to deceptions. When reversed, it can be a sign that you lot are using bad judgment and repressing your intuition.

The Sun (XIX)

The Sun signifies general satisfaction with all aspects of life. Information technology may hint at an upcoming trip. When reversed, it can be a sign of unhappiness in any given arena.

Judgement (Twenty)

Judgement suggests it's time to take stock of your life and reassess your future path. When reversed, it tin can be a sign of stagnation and unwillingness to face the facts.

The World (XXI)

The World represents the completion of a cycle. It shows the fruit of all your efforts. When reversed, information technology may reveal an inability to follow through.

Meanings of the Tarot's Minor Arcana Cards

The Pocket-sized Arcana is comprised of four suits. Each conform has a generalized meaning based on the four classical elements, while each number and court carte du jour of the arrange can be interpreted through the use of numerology.

Tarot cards


Swords stand for the chemical element of air. Cards in this suit announce agitation and activeness. This accommodate also suggests a struggle or fight against something.


Cups represent the chemical element of water, which is all almost emotions. When cups appears in a reading, it suggests something nigh the querent'south emotional life or predicts emotional changes. Information technology may besides be about relationships.


Wands represent the element of burn, which is about passion and inventiveness. They may as well represent intuition and spiritual development.


Pentacles correspond the earth element, which is well-nigh practical, earthy matters such as career, money, and health.

Numbers and Courtroom Cards

The numbers and court cards (Folio through King) of each suit follow basic numerology and may have the following meanings:

Number/Card Pregnant(s)
one (ace) Nativity, new beginning, outset of something
2 Partnership, opposites (yin/yang), balance
3 Creativity, adding to something, tribe, group
4 Stability, manifesting, underlying structure
5 Growth and change, conflicts
6 Cooperation inside groups, harmony, settling of differences
7 Spiritual growth, life lessons
viii New level of understanding, accomplishment
9 Nearing the finish of a cycle, success
10 Completion, enlightenment, mastery, starting over
Page Youth, energy, starting time of a new journey
Knight Action oriented, mature, moving forth in the journey
Queen Pity, understanding, empathy for self and others
King Leadership, control, authority, attainment, enlightenment

Position of Each Card in a Spread

When interpreting tarot cards, yous also demand to consider where they appear in the spread and what the intention for that card is for the particular spread you utilize. No card stands alone, but always fits within the context of its surrounding cards, the question or intention for the reading, and the way the cards are laid out in a spread.

Tarot reader

Upright and Reversed Carte Meanings

The position of the card either in an upright readable position or upside down determines the pregnant. Sometimes when the card appears upside down or reversed, the significant is the opposite of the upright position. In that location are exceptions when the pregnant isn't necessarily the opposite but only a lesser degree of the upright meaning.

Relationship Between Tarot Cards and Questions

Tarot cards are designed to unlock your unconscious mind then you tin can find the best fashion to proceed in a particular situation. The image on each card will hold a special significance for you and relate to your question in a very distinctive style.

Trust Your Intuition

In guild to learn the most from your reading, be sure to let this procedure play out. Don't endeavour to conform the cards to the official significant. Instead, combine your own intuitive nature with the general meaning of the card, apply it to your question, and come across for yourself if you tin can come with a novel interpretation of both the card and your particular dilemma.


Source: https://horoscopes.lovetoknow.com/Meaning_of_Each_Tarot_Card

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