When Will Ashley Horner Start Triathlons Again

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Welcome to our daily blog! We'll be giving y'all a play by play of each solar day, show some insights from Ashley, feedback from her coach, Alex Viada, and sharing everything that happens – the good and the bad. We want y'all to exist able to follow along with us and see everything.

Nosotros began our journeying in Virginia Beach, the city Ashley calls home. Nosotros're all a little fleck nervous, but mostly excited to get this affair started. Nobody on the crew is nether the impression this will be an piece of cake journeying, simply nosotros've worked so difficult to get everything planned and ready, and nosotros're determined to do whatever is necessary to aid Ashley.

Our number one goal is to make sure Ashley finishes all 52 triathlons free of whatsoever injuries or major setbacks, not only blitz through each consequence equally rapidly equally possible. As the proverb goes, it'south a marathon, not a sprint, and in Ashley's case it'south more than like 52 marathons – and so some. We're doing this the right fashion, so we're careful to make certain we piece of work at a sustainable pace.

Scheduled times for the next 24-hour interval's events will exist posted at the cease of each blog post, just those are just our best estimates. Verbal times may modify based on how Ashley is feeling and performing that day, so please go along that in mind. Thanks for your understanding.

Ashley Horner Swim

For the commencement event of the day, we kicked things off with an early morning swim. Ashley was joined by some other athlete and supporter, Cheryl, who's headed out for her first Ironman in just a few days, and was able to jump in and swim with her. Ashley was feeling a little nervous, but as soon every bit she jumped in the pool, the fretfulness went away and she felt peachy. Having fans like Cheryl in that location to support hither made her feel fantastic, and we love seeing how many people want to help her on her journey. We're all so grateful to see the amazing support on mean solar day one, and we wish Cheryl the best of luck in her upcoming Ironman!

Afterwards the swim, our outset transition to the wheel was at American Brew, our home base for the balance of the twenty-four hour period. Ashley'due south motorbus Alex Viada biked with her for the offset loop of today'due south road, and Ashley finished the bike ride on her own while the rest of us stayed back, got some work done, and fabricated sure her food was ready to go for the side by side transition.

This was also the concluding day to brand sure nosotros had everything we needed before we left Virginia Beach, so at that place were some final-minute errands and scrambling effectually getting things together, merely it all came together nicely and we were ready to leave as soon every bit she finished for the twenty-four hours.

Ashley Headed out on bike with Alex

Today was brutally hot and humid, so staying on top of Ashley's hydration was especially important today. We're being very careful to manage her food and electrolyte intake through each event of the mean solar day.

For the final consequence, her marathon, Ashley was joined past 2 of her friends, Charlie and Jamie, who helped footstep her and keep her motivated throughout the run. The road was a few laps that began at American Brew, so we were able to brand sure she was getting anything she needed during the run every time she came dorsum to the starting point.

Ashley and Jamie hydrating and fueling
Later on the day wrapped up, she grabbed a quick shower, we heated upwards her dinner, and then it was fourth dimension to load upward into the van, eat, and accept Ashley sleep a fleck while we hitting the road for Salisbury, MD. We made it to Salisbury at around 1:30am, checked in to our hotel, and so Ashley was out the door at 5:30am for today's events.


Ashley'due south Log:

"I felt proficient during my swim. My heart rate was a picayune college than I felt like it should have been, but I felt really good, and the clock ran the whole time. There were some fans by the door when I went in, which I was non expecting, and that was really overnice. 1 of the girls swam with me and that was actually cool to take her with me.

My stomach stopped bothering me once I actually got in the water, and so I don't know if it was nerves or food, but I felt actually good one time I was in and got started.

Getting on the bike, I had a machine atomic number 82 in the beginning which was nice, equally they were able to testify me the trail we'd be using. There are definitely highs and lows for sure during each ride though; afterwards the 3rd lap it gets tough, and the last two are ever the hardest to push button through.

I've been having a difficult time eating today, which I need to get ameliorate at, because obviously nutrition is huge. I took 30-45 infinitesimal breaks during transitions to rest and consume, but the run was definitely the hardest role of the day. It was the same thing every bit in Republic of haiti, I hit mile 13 nigh halfway and it was like I striking a wall. But this evening it was definitely harder because I know I wasn't eating the way I should have, so at present I just have to figure out a fashion to make myself eat and find something that works better for tomorrow."


Today Ashley will be completing her triathlon in Salisbury, Dr.. Tomorrow, August 17th, Ashley volition be starting in the puddle at the Dover YMCA at vi:00AM. Her bike road is scheduled for 8:30AM, and her run should exist starting around v:00PM.

Call back, all of this is for the Maison Fortune Orphanage Foundation in Hinche, Haiti. Any and all donations would be greatly appreciated, you tin can aid us out and donatecorrect here.

Coach weblog twenty-four hours 1:

Welcome to the coaches corner of Ashley Horner's l full distance triathlon in 50 day challenge. At this signal, I believe that'due south the circumlocution I can use without running afoul of trademark, so I'thou going with it!

My objective with this portion of the daily blog is to give as much insight into the day's event as possible- and offer some insight into the technical side of the swim, wheel, and run with the data, along with hopefully addressing a few ongoing questions or concerns from those who might be watching.

Ashley's journey to get here in the commencement place was a long ane- I can't overstate, actually, how much work she'south put into getting here. Her training has been, past FAR, the greatest training book I've put an athlete through- which makes sense, in that location hasn't really been a precedent for this level of training on my athlete roster- always. This challenge makes others we've coached people for, ranging from the Marathon de Sables, World Marathon Challenge (7 marathons on 7 continents in seven days), AT through-hikes, 500 mile cocky-supported MTB challenges, the 268 mile Spine race, double distance long grade triathlons, etc all look nigh tame. Hopefully, as this weblog goes on, I can hash out one or two training topics in each.

Her swim started at half dozen AM at the Bayside recreation centre- non likewise much to note here other than a chip of struggle to go her started- she was meant to get there a bit early to speedily chat with a news crew, merely between one matter and another we lost nearly 12-15 minutes getting her going. Zilch exceptional in the data, but her SWOLF, though nonetheless non fantastic, was a bit better than many of her grooming efforts, so I was pleased to see her swim has however improved just a hair leading into this affair.

She was out of the water, and so the original plan was to fuel up in transition for thirty-forty minutes and eat a full sized repast to become her set up for the long day- given the duration of this entire events, we couldn't afford to go backside on calories, so fabricated the phone call to fuel both on the bike and heavily before and after (with larger, more calorie dense meals). 15-twenty minutes of extra transition would exist worth the payoff in improve recovery. Turns out, her meals weren't ready there- her crewmember got caught speaking to a news crew rather than getting her food, so we all hopped in the car and headed to American Brew to swallow and go her on the cycle. Decision-making her media appearances and regulating that exposure is going to be then critical.

For this ane, suffice to say that nosotros're starting out on the back foot, data wise. If you lot cheque out the attached photo, yous can see the annotation I received from Ashley every bit she was gear up to come back to the United states of america. $999 Garmin Vector iii pedals don't really survive this kind of crude treatment, so for solar day 1 we accept no power data. Nevertheless, given how apartment the form was, I had no major concerns.

Alex's Broken Bike

I paced her for the first lap (information here: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/2934907538 ) and yous can see how apartment the output was compared to speed (and heart charge per unit). Nosotros were barely working out there, then after ane lap I peeled off and allow her finish. Going strictly past her middle rate, it was in line with this try on the apartment at pace given her training, and so I was pleased with information technology. Full disclosure- she WAS post-obit a truck for a while, which had a few crew members on there taking some video (this is legal in VA), and then if you've watched her IG stories, you can run across this. We've got a pair on overnight delivery to the bike shop in Dover, so hopefully those will become installed in curt lodge.

Either style- the bicycle was a breeze, fast and pancake flat, with a few lights, just those were really just long plenty to shake her legs out. Minimizing starting and stopping is important, though, (since accelerating costs precious wattage) and future routes have fewer stops. Her GOAL here was 135-140 watts as a cap, but clearly there was no way to monitor it besides pace and heart charge per unit- which, again, looked good. My concern hither- nigh halfway through she started losing her appetite, which is not normal for her. Whether this was hydration or some other issue, we can't tell, merely it's conspicuously something we demand to lookout advisedly.

Her 2nd transition went just fine- she finished her 112 well-nigh ten miles from the mash, then hopped in a truck to come back. She looked and felt pretty expert coming in, but again, we knew she was behind on food and would likely struggle a fleck on the run.

Her run- well, her run was exactly as we'd trained for- so consistent she looks almost mechanical with those run/walks. She felt like trash around mile xiii, but one of her pacers informed me that she was moving better and in better spirits by mile sixteen after taking in a bit more food.

Overall, the timing was expressionless on, paces were perfect, and I'm very pleased with the showtime twenty-four hours, but we'll need to go along an middle on nutrition moving forward.

Her Garmin file here:



Source: https://www.ashleyhorner.co/the-game-plan-august-31st-2018/

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